Pictograph II
Not rated

By TurboCat11
03/21/2010 - 21:34:09
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: music, pictograph, puzzle, rebus, song, techno, trance, turbocat11
I decided to make another one to see whether anyone will guess this time. This is another techno song (I probably won't ever do any othr genre) Give me the song name and artist just as before. The deadline is next Sunday. Hint: DJ Kosm...
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By Fingawing
Couple of pointers: Wait longer for ppl to answer, do more general songs, I've never heard of DJ Satomi or DJ Kosmnova, never put in deadlines, have patience, young padawan ^^
By thiefers
Darn, wish I"d seen this sooner! Adding it to my Puzzles sporecast, if you make more be sure and let me know! This is nicely done, btw. :)
By TurboCat11
-_-'...Nobody guessed! The answer was Heaven's Gate by DJ Kosmonova.