Riddle of doors
Not rated

By Superbug716
03/21/2010 - 03:11:02

Type: House building
Rating: 0.89 (Not rated)
Tags: doors, lie, puzzle, riddle, superbug716, truth


(yes I know this is horribly made, but the artistic design is not the point.)

You come to a room with two doors. One door leads to death, and the other to freedom, and you don't know which door is which. In the room are two guards, one guard always tells the truth and the other guard always lies. You don't know which guard is which, and guards are not standing by a specific door. You can ask one question, to one of the guards. What one question can you ask that will allow you to figure out which door is which?


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By ryky714

I say,he should enter the RIGHT (Get it?RIGHT????)door

By krp73

id ask them this: can you show me whats on the other end of these doors

By krp73

well this is simple...

By MarsHelix

Nice one!

By catlord337

You would ask either guard, the following question: "If i were to ask the other guard, which is the door to freedom?, what would he say?" Then you would choose the opposite door.

By catlord337

WOW! Tricky!

By Bites_his_Nose

"Which door would the other guard tell me to take if I asked him to tell me which door would lead to my death?"

By brittbritt2000

Thanks for the comment~

By Fingawing

You would ask one guard, 'If I were to ask you which door leads to freedom, which one would you pick?'. I'm not sure how it works but apparently it does. They should point to the same door.

By raniac1

This seems impossible, unless you ask multiple questions in one sentence

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