
By Skulljr
03/18/2010 - 04:19:15

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 5 (Good)


PLEASE READ,i am having a contest...to see what puzzle is hardest....here are the rules.1:You may have as many entries as you like,BUT....ABSOLUTELY NO COPYING from original creations in thiefers cast,wich is what it is a tribute to. 2:all puzzles or brain teasers,must be named for what they are,example:Brain teaser would be called Brain teaser,puzzle would be called Puzzle.3:Have fun,or ELSE...lol.


By toadlover

I have made some puzzles in the past if you do some browsing in creations that I have made you will find a few good ones

By Seanicks

Umm... I'll join, and I wonder how the puzzles are judged.

By Jangokenobi

hey i made an entry called Brain Teaser and tagged it with sjpuzzlecontest

By milkydeath

entered! my puzzle is called "Puzzle" and has a pencil with a piece of paper.

By thiefers

I'm glad you like the ad, Skull. :)

By foreverpiping

Very cool idea for contest and great tribute to thiefers! I'll try to come up with something ...r+ ?

By thiefers

R++ bud, and added to Puzzles sporecast! I hope lots of people enter, puzzles are a lot of fun. :)


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