Creepy Knit Ambulance
Not rated

By Dragospir
03/15/2010 - 01:07:23

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 1.07 (Not rated)
Tags: ambulance, cactiteam, dragospir, knitwar


This is an ambulance for the creepy knits--and if they happen to run over any cute knits on the way, then that's fine too.


By UnitX19

Amazing, my friend XD

By Uranus9

AWESOME job on it! I like the wheels, light, and the fact that it doesn't care if it runs over cute knits! CUTE KNITS EVERYWHERE! DO YOU HEAR ME? YEAH! WE HAVE THIS! SO HA! YOU MAY HAVE GOOD WARRIORS, BUT WE HAVE THIS! WE WARNED YOU!

By Doak73Doak73

Thanks for the praise for my sewing machine. I got the idea for the top from a tractor axle. And what's a fusible?

By Doak73Doak73

Ha ha! Excellent ambulance, and DEATH TO THE CUTE KNITS! lol

By Cacti

:D Yeah, I like to make them. Most are for the militia, though. c:

By Cacti

Ha! Great description. and, a well needed prop. So, would Knit Hen (the nurse XD) drive it?


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