Easter Egg Contest
Not rated

By JoeDev
03/14/2010 - 12:50:34

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: contest, easter, egg, joedev, template


I know I am making two contests at once but this one is now or neaver!

Rules: Please don't change the template at all, otherwise you can do anything!

The deadline is 2nd April. Any questions just comment on my mail box. Good luck! ;)


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By mew4228

Oh i finally found this! YAY I CAN DO DA CONTES NOW!

By MewQueen

Alright I made one under the name of "Bunny Easter Egg". Thanks!

By MewQueen

So we are allowed to decorate it however we want?

By Lemlend

If I have time I might give it a go:)

By 06rg11

accidentally called mine easter egg contest

By oblivion99

i'm gonna make one soon! expect somthing awesome!

By elh79

made one but it is not good in all really =(

By MrMand

I hope I understood the rules correctly. with not changing anything you only ment not changing the shape at all. Well in case I don't qualify with my creation it's allright, it was still fun to create :).

By JoeDev

Don't matter!

By MrMand

Got it and a vague idea what I could build. I hope I can do it, because I mainly build creatures and am pretty bad with buildings.

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