Spring break!
Not rated

By 94kiwiboy772
03/12/2010 - 23:29:32
Type: Economic air vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
He guys! im going to the florida keys and will probably get a couple ideas for adventures and other creations but I will not be here through monday and friday. (you may post were you are going to)
Contact us at

By lumpyrox1412
If you don't understand then wait till i share my B.P.C Village v1 and play it to fully understand what i mean...do you want to be the Pet Breeder?
By lumpyrox1412
Yes you make a creature that will be your ID [you can use the outfitters if you so wish] I have thought about it and you will have the Pet Breeder job! You sell pets [small early creatures] for other users to buy for their homes!