CRS Vengance template
Not rated

By Thaiylia
03/11/2010 - 12:40:23

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.35 (Not rated)
Tags: crs, darkstar systems, thaiylia


I never knew what all the hub-bub about down-raters was all about till now. CRS Tonbogiri was gaining some positions on the first page of the MPN and suddenly now I have this red mean face. Now I know, some petty haters out there, and I'm not even a major player! So here is a version off the DSS Lakena platform I was working on before I went in a different direction. Flip, strip and re-equip if you wish. Fair warning: I put the end pieces of the "out-riggers" (as THX1113 called them) back in utilizing a glitch. Otherwise use a body part.


By simeball

sorry to read about your downrater attacks, I don't understand why, it's a great design! just wanted to let you know I've taken this apart and learned quite alot about big ship designs, so I would like to say thank you! I owe you one.

By warrenmayhem


By Didzo

Looks great, even as a template.

By codyr2391

Did it seriously get into the red? Thats serious downrating, not just a casual angry person. This has only happened to me seriously a while ago.

By Nomicakes

Ooooh... a template... I may just play with this :) Add some Nomicakes flavour.


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