Predecessor's Arifacts Billboard
Not rated
By AlmightyDratch
03/05/2010 - 05:29:07
Type: Factory building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ads, adsforyou, advertise, billboard, picture, sign
The Predecessor's artifacts is my greatest creation on spore. It will be at least 30 parts long with each one the best quality I can manage. Search for these mysterious artifacts and discover a secret that could determine the fate of the galaxy.
Contact us at
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By lumpyrox1412
hmm you seen to make heaps and heaps of advertisements for your series! i might make a few for myself and put them somewhere in my adventures.......cool idea!
By 87morpheus
I'm looking out for it
By Gamer1
I put out part three
By 87morpheus
are you making your guy on the team?
By lumpyrox1412
It's good that your sister thinks that Soren as a baby owl [owlet]. He is the main character for my newest series Gaurdians of Gahoole and sub to the sporecast now! It is a series about owls and stuff so i hope you will enjoy it.....
By 87morpheus
hint its very popular to put your name on the creature like your guys name is AlmightyDratch
By 87morpheus
all you have to do to join is make a creature make him a captain (we want him strong) put on the tag axis-power or axispower
By 87morpheus
just so you know about the team were not fighting anyone yet it was ment to stop 2 guys from fighting now they stoped fighting
By 87morpheus
alright oh if you see the nazi symbol thats the old symbol there is a new one i hated the nazi symbol so i got rid of it
By 87morpheus
Who Am I is done i mean the sequal
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