Bowersteam House 1
Not rated

By Andeavor
03/01/2010 - 10:55:47
Type: House building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: fable, gaprop, steampunk
It's two-sided for variety.
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By Andeavor
03/01/2010 - 10:55:47
Type: House building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: fable, gaprop, steampunk
It's two-sided for variety.
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By akcdog
which fable is it based on?
By alex_stonewood
wow! so higly detailed and perfectly made. very awesome!
By codyr2391
If only complexity would allow more detailed 2 siders because they really save complexity in the end.
By SamethMajoris
Is this from Fable 2?
By PyroBeast958
Hey Andeavor hope you dont mind but im going to use some of these buildings in my next adventure. Im hopeless at designing these type of buildings. Thanks, keep up the good work.
By disneyadventurer
Wow... Double-sided? Genius! Now you only have to undertake the hassle of dealing with half as many buildings!
By kaleb702
A somewhat more expensive one and a plainer one. I could use some rooms for that mansion set, Interiors please.
By Splog00
Oh! Those ARE the windows! (Are they?)
By Splog00
Cool! I like the purple things in the window.
By Covest
andeavor, you should make a hyrule template like your making a hog warts one.
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