X-83 Twin Tail
Not rated

By rm-hs
02/28/2010 - 22:58:27

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: 83, fighter, jedi, new, order, star, tail, thebarnetts, twin, twintail, wars, x, x-83


(This is a newer version of my recreation and has subtle changes to the dimensions that make it more accurate to the comics)
The X-83 Twin Tail is an X-wing model fighter used during Darth Krayt's rise to power. It's a very capable fighter and was the staple of the New Jedi Order until the organization was destroyed during the Sith-Imperial War. The ship was equipped with deflector shields and an integrated astromech droid that gave the ship 'personality' if the memory wasn't managed. It was often in the front lines of the fight, going head to head with TIE predators.

Made by request for Cryotoad293 :) I don't know much about the Legacy era (only what wookiepedia says) and I only had wookiepedia's pictures to go off of, but I think it turned out purtty okay.

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