Engineering Section C
Not rated

By hk1x1
02/17/2010 - 16:58:26

Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


By Xalbrus

So, if I scroll down i see the answer to my question, thanks.

By Xalbrus

The first two are done, nothing special, just something to forward the plot to the area I have been working on. I called the set Legacy, kind of a slow start, but it should turn out to be a good story.

By Xalbrus

Hey HK1X1 I hope you had a good holidy, I have been trying to figure out the glass tintine with no luck, would you mind explaining how you accomplished this? I would really like to have a glass floor in this adventure.

By NumberOneNik

Now that's clever. ^^ When do you finish Deep Space Part 2 ?

By hk1x1

To make the glass effect, i used the white spotlight from the effects menu. I then turned it upside down and used its base to create the glass. And so you can walk on it, i used jump pads, that were also turned upside down, and were made invisible.

By NumberOneNik

I've the same question like L1G3R ^^ Could you please tell me ?

By L1G3R

how did you make transparent glass???

By codyr2391

I cant imagine how you worked inside of this :O


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