word of advice. it maybe a good idea to keep the roof separate from the rest of the building if you want things to be more well lit. completely enclosing a building causes the game to render shadows with darker shades than if the roof and room were separat
[reply from Tower Inside 1] My buildings pale in comparison with your stuff. You have some of most detailed and well designed stuff I've ever seen. can't wait for part 2 of deep space
By Crimson522
word of advice. it maybe a good idea to keep the roof separate from the rest of the building if you want things to be more well lit. completely enclosing a building causes the game to render shadows with darker shades than if the roof and room were separat
By Crimson522
[reply from Tower Inside 1] My buildings pale in comparison with your stuff. You have some of most detailed and well designed stuff I've ever seen. can't wait for part 2 of deep space
By codyr2391
The ceiling rafters are really well done.