Not rated

By Parkaboy
02/16/2010 - 15:11:07

Type: House building
Rating: 0.33 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


A gas giant companion


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By Blubblub22

credit im editing

By cpelite

Sweet. I've used this idea to make a gas giant as well. It mostly blots out the starlight in my upcoming adventure.

By Timewaster


By Murfnator

NICKNAMED PARKABOY IN THE CREDITTS?!?!thats a scooby-doo moment.

By Southstreet

This didn't appear when I played it in test drive (which is the only way I can play it).

By Jaydax

@Parkaboy Is THAT how you got it so high?

By Parkaboy

@Uranus9: yeah, that's me. But I'm not a Maxis employee, it was a one-time job. And this is only hacked in the adventure it appears.

By Uranus9

Um, I have a question. I was looking at the credits for spore, and there was someone whose nickname was "Parkaboy". Are you from Maxis? And how is this hacked? I see no hacks.

By mega1029

Nice. Perhaps you can also make a gas giant with rings.

By Garett20

How did you make it totally spherical?

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