Cyy Dome City (V2)
Not rated

By Vohcaz
02/14/2010 - 15:11:01

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 1.26 (Not rated)
Tags: colony, cyy, explore, inside, template, town, vohcaz


After a catastrophic loss of several colonies, the Cyy empire rebuilt all their cities in sheilded domes. It took most of the whole empires funds, but sitting at the top of the powercrystal market, they should soon recover. Here is an example of the domes.



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By tiffany98

This is really an awesome game you should do something in it when u walk in that ingcredible empire :D

By Janori

It would be nice to live in a dome...

By LoneWolfDragon

I would like to live here in real life.

By LoneWolfDragon

This very awesome and I got here for a mission on the space stage all I have to say is that was the funnest easy $30,000.

By jaxtherogue

WOW. Nothing needs to be edited. It is just the complexity and awsome usage of blue gates that gets computers saying: I wish I hadmade that. Just one thing: make sure players can leave dome grounds so they can explore the veriaty of wildlife you added. :)

By ClanJones

OMG! The complexity of this is AMAZING! No, not amazing:EPIC! There are are different levels and tunnels everywhere! This is amazing/EPIC!!

By ClanJones

E-P-I-C-! Amazing use of the blue gate! O_O!

By ClanJones

Wow! Domes are hard! Wish I had done this in my colony mission....

By gagedaniels

Awesome usage of the blue sheild!

By dinofan

Nice dome! Must took a while to make... R !

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