Batman Competition

By oliver307
02/11/2010 - 14:38:16

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: batmanvehiclecomp, oliver307


Your brief is to create a batman vehicle in well...the vehicle editior. It can be whatever you want. Please tag your creation with batmanvehiclecomp so it can be entered, comment here when you have made one. Use the wunderstar detail to create the logo.


By oliver307

@brokeneye yes it can, please try to avoid it but as long as you have changed it enough i suppose it wont matter. be warned tho i will look at the parent creation to see.

By oliver307

The competition lasts till when i feel like looking...just keep sending entries in if you are. you may send as many as you like.

By BrokenEye

can it be a mod of someone else's if the mod is big enough?

By Dalmatious

added to my contest sc

By Polyamide

Hmm..i am sorry to say, but i don't think i will join. I am quite bad with the vehicle creator :) Also i still have a few other idea's to work on. I will think about it though. Till wen is your contest?


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