Not rated
By DarkSideGrox
02/10/2010 - 01:59:04
Type: House building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: ?, grox, how, huh, i got notin', naddathought, spode, the, ummm..., what, when, where, who
What are the Grox? Who is Spode? Why no Humans?
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By The-Grox-ifier
Steve is christ and The False God is satin.
By The-Grox-ifier
The Grox are the ones who betrayed "Spode".Spode is the god who created everything. The humans are left out because you are them I guess..
By The-Grox-ifier
See my "The Grox FAQ"!:D
By EropsToad
You have to build the Humans.
By SithApprentice
Interesting... Spode is some sort of God... Grox are a evil partly robotic race who will kill you... Humans? Maybe they died out?
By MWoods
The grox are a race how don't beleave in Spode and. Spode is the god that all the creatures in the game beleave in and the humans part you got me on that one.