Chocolate Egg
Not rated

By MirakaDragonling
02/06/2010 - 21:25:14

Type: House building
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: candy, chocolate, egg, sweet, valentine's day


Valentine's Day is coming up - can you guess what delights will pop out of this cute lil' chocolate egg? Of course not, that's up to you! Build up some tasty choco-treats in honor of this holiday. Limit 3 creations per person, everybody gets prizes! ^w^


By Starlessknight

I'm dead serious! Gyuunuu means milk in Japanese!! :D

By Starlessknight

CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

By apeman54

oh nvm

By NewBeard

Wish you have a happy Valentine's Day.

By MirakaDragonling

The gold trophy's not gonna' be shown until later (it's a surprise! ^w^).


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