Barrato Hall
Not rated

By jbman
02/01/2010 - 03:25:22

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: barato, cheap, jbman, set:barrato


(Best veiw in editor)


By Veoline

(And maybe blue and pure orange would attracte the eye more, from the mission thumbnail !

By Veoline

I think that's all I can say about it !

By Veoline

Maybe you could simplify the orange color patterns, the blue one is perfect, they shine ! It looks kind of cartoonish and old, you can see the bolts. Maybe that's the feel you want to convey, so don't change it, but I would think it preferable !

By Veoline

Very nice ! Great use of the towers ! It looks technolgic yet kind of old ! Maybe you could improve the paintwork and remove those roofs. I like that color match, blue and orange, it goes well together and gives it a tech feel.


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