Skaenan natural platform

By Aegonian
01/29/2010 - 22:21:57
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2.78 (Good)
Tags: aegyl, gaprop, sky
A floating platform found in the Sky continent of the Aegyl.
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By Aegonian
01/29/2010 - 22:21:57
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2.78 (Good)
Tags: aegyl, gaprop, sky
A floating platform found in the Sky continent of the Aegyl.
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By gillian876
How do make the roof go upside down? O.o
By DeadlySpear
This is amazing xD
By Urnam7
Amazing and beautfiul work! 8O If it's alright I'll use it in an Adventure and give you much credit in it!~ ^^
By jeremynaude
Cool gr8 work id love it if you saw some of my creations speshaly the creatures :D
By FrenchNinja
Looks good, if you don't mind, i will be useing this.
By donkeyslayer56
hope you don't mind but i edited this and used it in my avatar mission... its just that i needed a floating mountain...
By exxon
This is an interesting idea and would look fantastic in a GA. In an old cartoon there was a floating platform made of upsidaseum (sort of an anti-grav) element. Maybe there's some of that inside? Whatever - looks great!
By Sakiara
All of your vegetation buildings look really natural. You pick the perfect textures and detailing. Fantastic job :)
By alexonaut
Please?? That wolud mean a lot to me!!! :)
By alexonaut
I can't get him as a friend but can you ask him to give you the code and then give it to me??
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