1 Million Sporebucks
Not rated
By MirakaDragonling
01/25/2010 - 01:16:50
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: blue, challenge, money, sporebucks, thytombstone
Who says asking for 1 mil. isn't an option of gift from (or for) your friends? A friendly retort to a little challenge from ThyTombStone.
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By NickB95
Wow, how much money do you really have?
By duncan778
Aww man... you get all the cash!
By MirakaDragonling
Holy crap...
By apeman54
By MirakaDragonling
Hm, you know my brother? Weird circulation of friends, this, but fun! ^w^
By NewBeard
I knew that you shared with your brother playing SPORE.
By ThyTombStone
rich? u can say that. i have the cheat to get me 99 mil on space stage. (directed towards Newbeard :D)
By MirakaDragonling
Ach, Thy, you kidder, you... >l,
By NewBeard
You're a rich man.
By ThyTombStone
haha funny.i think it would look a little better if u didnt have the spore thing in the left corner, made the commas not as long and the "o" on spore, just like the thing in the corners just smaller and make sides thicker. jk im just joking. its AWESOME!!
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