By Orion1004
01/22/2010 - 19:22:24
Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: announcement, chidog, orion1004, tarstarkas, tuinahvuni, winterwarscontest
We thank the Spore community from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful support you've given to this contest. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: The Winter Wars Contest ends at Midnight EST on Sunday, January 24th. Contest rules and details: Check the FAQ on the thread for any question you may have. IMPORTANT: Enter on the thread or a Creation Announcement--just tagging your creation is not enough! **Please check the contest sporecast for your entries** If you do not see your entry in the sporecast 48 hours after you entered, inform one of the War Council members immediately. You can find the sporecast here: The Winter Wars Contest is brought to you by the War Council: Orion1004, Tuinahvuni, Chidog, and TarsTarkas.
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By OverActor
This is absolutely beautiful! Love the details and colors! Rated up earlier!
By Polyamide
Oh its beautiful!
By sefmonsta
Amazing carriage! I'm sure there are a few creature entries that would look good with this in tow :D
By Trippy72
Really sorry I missed it, only just got Spore back online. I guess there's always next time... Amaxing carriage!!
By Max Woolf
I wish to enter both Portrait and Silhouette of the Queen :) Thank you for this wonderful contest!
By bluesky681
i re-uploaded my warp gun for the contest!
By Heartless1962
Mr. or Miss Orion as gift from myself for letting me join this contest I give you this Template for the Fire Kingdom me and my friend worked on. Hope you can do better than us in designing the Fire Kingdom. :D
By Rehanlarc
no he hasnt but he did make something i know that so will you please add it?
By Vultrio
I've made my second and final entry: Tanasis, Drinker of Dragons.
By Vultrio
Beautiful carriage, really amazing design. R+
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