GOSFA Satellite
Not rated

By odDballL
01/21/2010 - 23:55:08

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.39 (Not rated)
Tags: blixafish, die876, gosfa, oddballl, oddballlsporeniverse, snowballfightcreature, snowballfightoddi, theuberguy


The Group of Snoball Fight Announcers and the odDballL Intergalactic Sporeniverse Dimensional Broadcasting Association bring you the latest innovation in Sporeniverse Dimensional Communications. Place one of these in your Sporeniverse Dimension and receive all the latest updates on the Snowball Fight Creatures Sporecast. Also brought to you by the oISDBA.


By 96chris842

I will use the Template for a snowball adventure. Do you what to know wait my ieda was?

By 96chris842

So I can't make Ice City on new planet? I whated to have a city with caves and a snowball fight Arena and my snowball fighters wold of been in the city.

By 96chris842

Is the ieda you liked about me making Ice City? Or did I till you about my oder ieda?

By blixafish

I made a snowball fight creature!

By TheUberGuy

Great! I was getting tired of having my interdimensional postmen come back with extra limbs...Our machine is a bit glitchy... Great sattelite! =]

By camelfox


By 96chris842

Cool Satellite!!!


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