Market Day
Not rated

By AaronMk
01/20/2010 - 18:40:18

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: aaronmk, dead, fibea, market, memory, test


To market to market to buy a fresh fibea. Home again home again jiggedy-jig... If I can remember everything



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By AaronMk

Did you get what he wanted? Dialouge is important.

By Uranus9

That guy wouldn't drop his bolt for me.

By Vilageidiotx

Got lost looking for the bread, but eventually found it. Nice adventure, The old get x for y from z, k for z from v to get y etc etc format played out perfect here. R

By AaronMk

It's not very difficult to find. It's not like I hid behind anything in a dark alley.

By jakep65

Its fun but i couldn't find the dudes lucky coin

By AaronMk

Good to hear they're doing their job. ;)

By 11codeX11

I stole something off the market and ran like hell! the guards hwere chasing me like mad, Died in the end... Nice adventure, Rated it up!

By AaronMk

I see, and it only took you four minutes and thirty-two seconds. ;)

By neowolfsp

I did it!!!!!!!i beat the adveture!!!at first i thought i was gonna die but it was worth it for the fibea pie..lol good game!

By AaronMk

Well, that shouldn't be so hard.

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