Clark and Stanley(template)
Not rated
By superted64
01/16/2010 - 05:05:47
Type: Template adventure
Rating: 1.07 (Not rated)
Tags: clark, dog, funny, gaprop, landshark, stanley, superted64, vaudeville
UPDATED! -go inside clark and stan's house, no landing platform(HRMatthew suggested) and various other changes!
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By Rico2022
Beware the exploding pie!
By Razorator_O
I made two adventures that look like this.But not copycat way. Only having a dog named Bark is what i copycated.
By superted64
please tell me if you create an adventure with this adventure.
By superted64
If you have any ideas for my next clark and stanley adventure(using this template) please let me know.
By superted64