Cryptid Zoo
Not rated

By MikeJT
01/16/2010 - 00:49:51
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: adventure, amazing, amusement, aquarioum, beast, beasts, cool, creature, creatures, cryptid, cryptozoology, explore, fun, game, legend, legendary, mikejt, monster, museum, mysterious, mystery, myth, mythical, mythology, park, quest, unknown, urban, zoo
Come one, come all, to MikeJT's amazing Cryptid Zoo! Explore an entire Zoo full of Cryptid creatures, look inside the Museum of Cryptozoology, take a stroll through the Hall of Hoaxes, feed Chupacabras, or maybe play a relaxing game of Whack-A-Skeptic.

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By Overmaster
Nice job, plese chek out the "appox jungel" by overmaster and coment if you do
By Shadow99
Awesome! U should make a part 2 with extra cryptids! P.S. R u going to make a 5th chupacabra adventure? Pls tell me somehow
By kalien96
Cryptids? Preposter-OOWWW my head!
By Dinobot0129
Very Cool
By KodaT
Your Welcome:D
By KodaT
Hey im making a series of these kids go on a mission to slove if there real or not The first one is called Loch ness The Series is called Cryptozoolgy
By gremlinguy
lol, my sister is a skeptic
By Trashdog
my favorite parts were the ape cryptids the muesem and th souveniers P.S. i took some of the bigfoot teddys
By Trashdog
maybe when they find and capture live cryptids u could make this in real life
By Trashdog
this adventure is awsome
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