Book Template
Not rated

By Andeavor
01/09/2010 - 19:56:22

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: book, do-it-yourself, gaprop, template


This is what I used for all the books I made so far. In order to use them in GA proper you will have to disguise a carry-on prop with this.


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By spiderdude06


By ScaryNoodle

amazing!! im using it :)

By AngelGirlie

Using :3

By LizzieRatcicle

Awesome! May I use it?

By MrBoOMBastiK

sweet.... I'll just use it for a mission, thank you.

By Razzimatazzi

AWESOMENESS!!!!! I'll use it. :3

By K_dragoness

ima use tis

By kencaid

I will use this template

By Ragnar289

I made a book called Yio the Book of Life, check it out sometime

By AdamJackSam

I will use this template. Send me a comment if u want me to give u credit u must send comment by 12/1/10

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