Fillar Adventure
Not rated
By Erob2008
01/03/2010 - 00:54:42
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 1.87 (Not rated)
Tags: dananddna
Just a boss battle with convinent locked captain to whet your appetites while i get around to making a real adventure. Enjoy! Creators in tags, as always.
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By seanorib
Well, I mostly made it because I needed something to do while one of my last minute testers was going to test my Grox origins.
By Bonja
Thank you for telling me about my last adventure, don't know why it got banned but I will share a new copy within a few minutes. Just give me ten minutes to fix the points.
By Trippy72
Nice boss battle - you're right, I didn't need the power ups.
By seanorib
Okay, I'll try to fix the lag.
By seanorib
Okay. Were you able to finish it? the leader board's not showing me.
By seanorib
All right, I'll see what I can do.
By seanorib
So, did you find anything wrong with it?