By DeeEvolution12/12/2009 - 21:08:47
Type: SpaceshipRating: -1 (Not rated)
The refit USS Enterprise from Star Trek: TMP.
By DeeEvolution Loved 'Spore Trek'! Proud to be the only one with 100%!
By floundermaj Since you are the only one who got 100% on my adventure, I'll ask, What did you think of Spore Trek?
By DeeEvolution Version 1.2
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By DeeEvolution
Loved 'Spore Trek'! Proud to be the only one with 100%!
By floundermaj
Since you are the only one who got 100% on my adventure, I'll ask, What did you think of Spore Trek?
By DeeEvolution
Version 1.2