F22 Raptor - Prop Version
Not rated
By Trippy72
12/10/2009 - 01:03:53
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: fighter, gaprop, jet, replica
A version of my F22 with the landing gear deployed. This is for use as a prop (e.g. as a disguised object so it can be placed on the ground) - it doesn't have any weapons installed, so doesn't do any damage.
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By SeraphSRT
By TorgOwl
Your jet fighters are getting better and better!
By Orion1004
Nice! Great idea doing one w/landing gear down for props.
By Vilageidiotx
Nice work on this! You got the shape great! R+
By Imaginea
Nice design, I really like the look of the deployed landing gear nice effect. rated up.