Thousand Fountain Chair
Not rated
By Spartan150
11/17/2009 - 05:53:51
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.41 (Not rated)
This great chairs are made from pure gold and reflective metals with a bit of tender cloth coverings.It is worth every single Sporebuck there is.
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By KeterHirameki
impressive chair o_o
By bigmont
Not sure what all the chairs are for, but you did a great job on all of them.
By Mind-Tricks
Excellent furniture! You are really talented.
By ju1ietta
How many beautiful furniture! I'll add them to my Sporecast! R up to all
By addadas
WooooooW!! very,very awesome chair!
By Quebvar
Holy monkeys on a hockey stick. This is amazing.
By BlackRat13
WoW!! awesome chair!!
By Biohazard98
Cool chair, btw
By wyllwulf
Nicely done, an awesome prop =)
By Zellex
Wow, awesome chair! Excellent construction!
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