BW - Frozen Thunder
Not rated

By DaniAngione
11/15/2009 - 02:04:20

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: aleangione, balance war, covert, frozen, stealth, thunder


Incoming Transmission : Hello Brother, I am Vhammi from the Paladin race, we remeber how valiantly you fought along us in the past. We could use that courage now, come to this coordinates : A87-e88x03- 2948a . May Light Shine on your path. --AleAngione note: Guys, this mission has a problem, "interior part", its my first time doing interiors, so please sorry if isn't good!. This adventure is functional, but personally I DIDN'T LIKED the way it turned out! It's my worst adventure xD =P well, anyway! TYVM for playing ^^



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By Lizardude120

The only problem I had with this was the end REALLY attacked me in the framerates! Either way, great adventure! R

By Rhett1999

You took Aztec Physco Prohet Nomad and Raptor team from crysis :p

By Cocoa0301

Great Adventure! I had a few problems in Act 5 with the castle doors and talking with the PM, but it didn't take away from this adventure's greatness ;)

By ThunderRaptor

when are u going to make infinite skies?

By Reblon


By Knust

whatdid you think of the hunt for the golden spoffits? if you have not played it then do it!

By loragus

dude your like famous for spore creations and you inspire me im going to make an adventure called stand your grownd it wont be out for a long time though :)

By Terami

DaniAngione:Dont be worried about those people,ive had plenty of people like that in the past,I dont know why

By TheSwarm01

Can't wait to try it... Thankyou for the Download. TheSwarm01

By DaniAngione

@TheOutlier You again!? STUCK AGAIN? Man, sorry for being rude, but you're DUMB! Can you read? I mean... Apparently you can't.

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