Where mah Hoe
Not rated

By AaronMk
11/03/2009 - 00:57:27
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: aaronmk, agile, captain, chase, country, experimental, fast, gangs, hoe, motorcycle, run, truck
Explore a man's tool shed to find his hoes.[Fast, agile captains recommended for this quest.]
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By LichenDragon
Those were some very nice Hoes. I really liked Samantha a lot. And those are some screwed up bikers.
By macromind
Those hoes 'll be work'n the streets...er.... fields now wont they ;)
By Kevinek30
I got wings and max jump, so at the DV, i just went to the well, and theres oen part where u can get a bit higher, so ijumped out of the DV tunnel, and just went around to the shed. and on the second one, i just jumped up on a mountain and waited.
By Solfen
...Also, I did get stuck in the shed in one of the small pathways while hoe-searching... Most likely the fault of my truck- sized feet, I was stuck there for a long time! Again, Nice work, Aaron!
By Solfen
Rated up! Pretty fun chase, however, is it possible to outrun the biker freaks? I had to sneak and try not to get biketrail-marked!
By AaronMk
Or make/use another.
By PikachuDroideka
I would.... too bad the captain I'm trying to use is maxed out.... I guess I have no choice but to admit defeat.....
By AaronMk
Maybe. If you can, invest in Sprint Boost next time you can get a new part.
By PikachuDroideka
I have no sprint. Maybe that's why I lose?
By PikachuDroideka
(Shame on me for all my posts.) I have managed to make it past the first turn, but the DV accelerates too fast for me to escape.
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