City Template
Not rated

By ToS-Master
10/21/2009 - 17:57:43
Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)
Tags: car, city, house, template, tos, tos-master, town
Do you want to make a city-adventure? But you don't know what city to take? Then take this! ;)
By ToS-Master
Features: Every house has a door, combine 11 elements to a new house, streets that lead in a circle, nice trees and parks, a huge main-building

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By dylscorpion
Do you mind if I use this?
By ryderseven7
rrchristian, i did an adventure called Independent assassin, thanks for ruining it
By blacern
I give the cred to you!
By blacern
I'm using this awsome Template!
By FourMonths
Awsome! I'm definetly gona use it!
By rrchristian
Awesome template! I'm using it in an adventure called "The Assassain." Thanks for the template!
By geri6
Szépen megtervezett.
By hay77
I'm gonna use it for one of my soap operas: The Days OF Spore(related to Days of Our Lives)
By SpudnMoe
Great Template. I have used this in an adventure called yopple rails. Check it out :)
By SpudnMoe
I made an Adventure with this called Yopple Rails. Check it out.
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