By Zellex
10/19/2009 - 06:45:19
Type: Factory building
Rating: 9.81 (Good)
Tags: 15b-5s, 32, cell, cyop, cyop2, escape, island, jail, nacrossin, zellex
You go through your toilet tunnel, entering a service coridor behind the cells. You turn down them, climb a ladder to the next floor, and continue along to Slim's cell. You give the standard three knocks, and the reply comes.You help each other remove the pipes, then the bricks, makinga sizeable hole for Slim to climb through. You talk, consulting eachother about the best escape route. There are two; one through the main gate, another through the tunnels. To go through the tunnels, you are less likely to be seen, but will need to go get Bricks. The gate will require stealth, and some tools from the supply shed. So, which way: Bricks, or head to the supply shed?|Please vote in your comment, the path most chosen will be the onne we take next time. To stay updated, check the cast. And the CYOP is now on the forum! Check it out! http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/44053.page

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By Faize2000
By Dnadia
By Zayex
i'd go to the gate :D
By Dragonpenguin
By QueenBeth
This is a great adventure here rather than in the GA game. I think we should go get Brick.
By linkeagle
By cheasaku
bricks...go to him..he or she is waiting for you..LOL
By Cylons11
By jellobag
By kricki
Supercoole Idee !!!!!!!!! ;o)
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