By Fingawing10/11/2009 - 13:37:56
Type: City Hall buildingRating: -1 (Not rated)
By Maximo999 odd it shows a cricle as the picture but whne you veiw it, its only a semi cricle!! AWSOME!:D
By DarthFuzz yeah! i love that song! (annie are you ok? anniue are you ok? are you ok annie?!? anniea are you ok when you tell us that your ok!?!) (you've beenm hit by BAM BAM! you've been struck by BAM1 a smooth criminal!) OOOWWW!
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By Maximo999
odd it shows a cricle as the picture but whne you veiw it, its only a semi cricle!! AWSOME!:D
By DarthFuzz
yeah! i love that song! (annie are you ok? anniue are you ok? are you ok annie?!? anniea are you ok when you tell us that your ok!?!) (you've beenm hit by BAM BAM! you've been struck by BAM1 a smooth criminal!) OOOWWW!