BW - Planet Lost
Not rated

By DaniAngione
10/07/2009 - 17:46:38

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)
Tags: adventure, aleangione, balance war, battle, chicken, daniangione, ghalin, paladin, razgriz, trarrask


PAY ATTENTION AND READ: City gates have numbers! They show you where to go next!!!! USE A FIGHTER CAPTAIN LVL 2+ --
---Radio Transmission Incoming: Shhhaaah THEY ARE HEREEEEEEEEE HELP US!! Ahn? NOOO!!! Emily!!! **Explosions** , radio out!!



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By Race1

Who ever hates your adventures might have a problem.

By speedgemini

you deserve to be called spore master. your adventures are breathtakeing. how did you get so famous? please comment to tell me how you got so famous. and i know you made youtube vids but how else did you get famous. i want to learn at the feet of the maste

By dan00794

awww, another good adventure, but has caC, could you please make a version without it?

By Reblon


By 96joe123

A love your adventures and think you are a great creator! Could you give me a few pointers, maybe? Thanks!

By Deidaraloko

Very good aventure.The history is reall cool.

By sK8eRbOi510

wow! hey, im doing a challenge to make an adventure about the grox, so if youre interested, leave a comment by, and tag your creation with "thegroxyadventurechallenge" contest ends 15 dec. anyone else can join btw. good luck!!

By ryeboy98

how come it says chicken in the tags list of this adventure?

By ryeboy98

How about you make a sequel just suggesting.

By ryeboy98

tell maxis to play some of your adventures their great

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