Spice Scouter
Not rated
By Truenight
10/05/2009 - 23:54:37
Type: Colonial air vehicle
Rating: 0.71 (Not rated)
Tags: osths, truenight
Like the sniffers, these also snort spice, "in order to store and deliver it", or so the population claims. Strange in design, they are curiously good at manipulating air currents due to their anti symmetry.
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By mi2mi
XD THEY SNORT!!!! XD i rly loled
By Quba3000
It's kinda bad that U dont play it no more. Well after all it's not a bad game but fair enough. Just hope U'll be here from time 2 time :)
By Sharkblaze
Merry Christmas!
By Zevais
wicked scouter, you don't seem to get on much either lately do you, my life is hectic