Luxirrion hover blade
Not rated

By mynameisfish14
10/03/2009 - 14:33:18

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.39 (Not rated)
Tags: agile, ai, blue, drone, fast, light, robot, set: luxirrion, shoot


A fast defense drone that uses a yet unindentified type of radaring systems. It is very effective in gaurd and patrol positions but proves to be less reliable in heavy combat and space battles, as it has weak armour and the artificial intelligence often overloads if there are large numbers of enemies on the battlefield. Nevertheless, these drones are still a well-known appearance in the beautiful light capitals of Luxirrion



Looks great! R+++

By Kaidian

Beautiful. Too bad it isn't a spaceship though... This has fantastic lines and the design is excellent. Awesome colorscheme again too. R++

By raptorkiller2

looks good! the paint is especially well done!


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