By Zellex
09/30/2009 - 23:58:48
Type: House building
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)
Tags: 17, cyop, cyop2, island, lighthouse, nacrossin, prison, setting, zellex
Welcome to Nacrossin Island. Here the Nacrossin Prison is situated; a prison for some of the worst offenders of the law, or repeat escapees.This is the setting for the upcoming Choose Your Own Path 2 -Escape from Nacrossin Island! You star as Jim 'Shady' Bates, a convicted thief who has escaped multiple jails. Your two cronies, George 'Slim' Jamasson and Reg 'Brick' Rodgers are also in this prison. You task is, obviously, to escape the island.|_____________________________________________|[Please check it out in game for a better view] The cell blocks are the largest two; the L and T blocks. The mess hall is in one corner of T block. The gate house is near the entrance, and the dock. Guard quarters are next to the entrance, the admin offices right up the back. The Storage Hut is behind the L block. Between the L a T block is the courtyard, or as it is affectionately known, 'Prisoner's Plaza'. The L/T blocks are surrounded by a high wire fence; the rest of the facility is also enclosed by a razor wire fence. The Lighthouse is off the premisis, and guides the prison ships into the dock. A small forest lies on the south of the island. The cliffs are roughly 50 metres high, too high to jump off; the only way of is fromt he beach and dock. Rumour has it that there is a cave system under the island, but the entrance is unknown. | I hope this is enough background. If you have any questions or suggestions, pleased don't hesitate.|So, how are you going to escape? We'll just have to wait and see! CYOP2-Escape from Nacrossin Island, coming soon to SPORE._______________________________________________This can also be found in my Landscape Sporecast; check it out! Remember, CYOP episode will be placed in the CYOP Sporecast. Thank you for reading.

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By axell13
great job R+
By Tykeeyo
Stuff that you make is awesome R+ and subscribing!
By Spartan150
Very creative keep it up!
By FireStriker21
id live there! nice job! :D
By thiefers
Great idea for a settig for CYOP! I can't wait for it to start. R++ :)
By Puglin
OMG another choose your own path! Cool! Good on ya Zellex, keep up the great work.
By snikrept
Ooo an escape from arcatraz adventure :)
By world_piece
Awesome detailing. Very captivating design.
By Vilageidiotx
Nice island! Looks very busy. R+
By crwmike
Nice, can't wait to see the adventure.
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