Teutonic Exterminations
Not rated

By AaronMk
09/28/2009 - 00:49:31
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: baltic, clark and stanley, combat, crusade, destory, kill, knight, lithuania, purge, teutonic
Planet: EarthLocation: Baltic Forest, LithuaniaTime: 1347 ADlI'm sorry but the Teutonic Captain will often backtrack. This shouldn't keep you from finishing though, so don't panic if he does. And the Naphta will kill you, stand back when throwing.>
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By SpooreCrafter
like something from age of empires 2
By AaronMk
But, I have been considering re-doing this for a while.
By AaronMk
There's more than one way to take that village. I like to go behind and start throwing Naphtha.
By MegaMaster_G
This level is WAY to long and hard. There are too many military in the third village and the if the soldiers get stuck, i have to do the whole freakin thing again. Fix this plz.
By LichenDragon
The Stone Henge, I don't know why I said Monolith....
By AaronMk
Monolith? Hmmm... Don't think I had one there...
By LichenDragon
Finished it, nice blood spree, I definitely spread the peace of God.
By LichenDragon
Excellent but some what tricky adventure. The main problem was that the captain would get stuck in rubble or the monolith, though that was only about 50-30% of the time for me. Will try more.
By LichenDragon
Ooh, I'm glad I decided to seriously look at your adventures, do i
By AaronMk
If I do another I plan to do an adventure on the Battle of Lake Piepus.
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