Egyptian Sarcophagus
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By Andeavor
09/15/2009 - 16:19:51
Type: House building
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
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By Andeavor
09/15/2009 - 16:19:51
Type: House building
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
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By luluthedog
Beware!This contains an ancient evil.Do not open,as it is not a toy.Emphasis on the "not a toy."-Warning label
By R462venom
Nice job!
By Meeper23
How do you do that?! Also you said something to me (if you can remember) that using [Alt] and [shift] you can scale or rotate a part in any direction. WHy doesn't it work?
By loka97
I love your egyptians buildings, do you mind if I use them to a level that im going to do
By schnautzr
Wow! That's cool how you did the top.
By mecforce1
these Egyptian props are incredible works of art and that doesn't even begin to express how impressed I am, glad I came back to Spore :D
By Rosana
By kricki
Supercoole Arbeit !!!!!!!!!!! ;o)
By Vilageidiotx
Awesome prop! The guy is well done. R+
By Skillyntic
wow O_o der sakofag..oder wie man dasschriebt ist dir sehr sehr gut gelungen^^ einfach cool^^
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