Egyptian Statue (Anubis)
Not rated


By Andeavor
09/15/2009 - 16:18:34

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: ancient, factory, gaprop, set:egyptian, shop, work


Remade for GA.


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By PalkiaMaster

Could you maybe make a Bast statue? It's the cat god :3

By Bitofeverything

You know what Anubis reminds me of? Umbreon from Pokemon.

By AdamJackSam

I am "stealing" this

By modsbear

Dude, I was expecting a collosal building, Ill never know how you got it so small

By Gorath87

Awesome! I had to do a project on this dude once!

By Djehuty

WOW! Your egyptian buildings are really cool! Could you make a Thoth statue?

By Inthractus

I love the simplicty yet effectiveness of this statue. Nice job there.

By Eddaldra

0.o Great job! The coloring is good (it's realistic and not flashy ^^) and I like how he's sitting on a throne. Very God-like, lol. Awesome job on this.

By mysticdragon159

I love Anubis! He's my favorite egyptian god! Great work on the statue!

By oberick

pretty statue.

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