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By Virakotxa
08/30/2009 - 16:33:51
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)
Tags: aliens, cameron, giger, horror, lv-426, movie, reenactment, sci-fi, scott, xenomorph
A little maze and fan display adventure about Aliens, the problems with behaviour over buildings don't give this thing much of a play at present time, but if a patch ever fixes this I'll get back to fix it. Yet, nice to walk around.

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By geovou
Hey! Your back!!! WOOT!!! The UBD_ prince is back!!! Oh! Check out this sporecast by widewonder that i inspired!!! it's called behold the star above
By Oplan
Another good creator gone :(
By cormorana
Recuerdo esta maldita cosa que cuando la vi me quede sorprendido por los 100 puntos
By t53662
In space no one can hear you scream AHHHH!FACEHUGGER KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME!
By JasonShadow1138
Hee hee hee... "In Spore, no one can hear you cream". Cream? We're manufacturing dairy products? Besides that, phenomenal job!
By unknown456
this would be a lot more popular without a locked captain
By Fantomn
your name is cameron me too
By Weyland-Yutani
You spelled Weyland-Yutani wrong in your sporecast.
By Redjack36
I actually really liked it, except for the fact that my entire squad ran off to attack the airships that constantly fly over the area, you should try using advanced emotions on ur guys to stop that from happening.
By sonicspaceeagle
do you know how to make music slower and faster? anyone?
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