By Assyroc
08/26/2009 - 11:34:45
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.23 (Not rated)
Tags: assyroc, mech
The Kaizer was one of first Celestial Frames created a despite being the oldest CF in existence it is still one of the most advanced. Possible the most dangerous weapon in existence the Kaizers design was the only one that fully utilised the Cerebros System. A system designed to give the pilot far better control of the mech by establishing a neural link with the mech. Which at the Cerebros Systems basic level (used in all CF's) has very little effect on the pilots health a mental stability. However the Kaizer users this system to its full potential, seeing the pilots mind a body completely linked to the Kaizers systems. This is the Kaizers greatest strength a weakness. For in the hands of an experienced pilot the Kaizer is able to pull of moves ordinary CF's cant a with its unique arsenal of weapons, no ordinary CF's stand a chance against it in combat. The downside however is the fact that any who pilot the Kaizer have a short life expectancy. Since the strain from the Cerebros system on the pilots body is immense. With any ordinary human only capable of piloting the Kaizer for an hour at the most a would rarely live longer then a year if constantly piloting the mech. To this end the Acolyte project was established. Hoping to gain batter use out the Kaizer by genetically enhancing the pilot to better withstand the Cerebros System. These Acolytes would have a 400% greater output then an ordinary human a see the Kaizer become a godlike weapon of destruction. But ultimately there fate would still be an early death.For this reason (and possibly that of fear) the ruling System councils ordered the Kaizer to be destroyed. But its creators could not come to destroy their prized work. So against the councils orders a knowledge hid the Kaizer away a secretly continued work on the Acolyte project.

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By Hamsters55
By Nherghal
WOW! Assyroc youre my master :D
By Itsyourbadkarma
Absolutely astounding mech! The paint is perfect. R+
By Sizlore
nice mech, i love the arms, and the paint job came out outstanding.
By Goar101
By Walo_k
Fantastic work.
By seokid
i think you may be able to make something like this as creature...
By Rantalia
Awesome structure! R+
By Enderhenne
Great pose and cool textures on the arms.
i saw you have a asimetrical creature and i was wondering could you turn kaizers right arm in to a cool looking gun that would be great for a story mode space ship
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