Colony Hall

By GhostMan22
08/25/2009 - 05:18:32

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: arth, civ, civ phase, civilization, dark red, hork, pre-space, red, spike, spiked, spikes, spikey


The Hork encountered 2 problems when setting up early dome colonies -1 poor dome technology ment redundancy was needed - 2 the design of the Planning hall from homeworld was to costly to ship via space.. the solutuion - the colony hall


By Hilight

R++++! Good looking stuff

By ashkelon

Yes! IN the Spore browser it looks even more like an old byzantine (sp) citadel overtaken and remade by aliens with a littl "goth" taste. Very cool texture and colors! I like the style.

By ashkelon

This one is interesting because again it has a shape that harks back to old cities with baroque decoration and domes, but the colors and the levitation are high tech.

By smashn

Wow cool colony hall! Nice colors and design!R++++


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