Last Stand v1
Not rated

By LostGenus
08/24/2009 - 22:18:58

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: antican, battle, castle, defend, epic, fortress, invasion, siege


Defend this fort right down to the last man if you have to.
This mission is dedicated to Paco97.
Oh and note to any newbs who play this: please don't fall off the walls...



By LostGenus

I found that happened with me too when I was testing it. I added a couple teleporters inside the walls to keep you from getting stuck, but the complexity meter went to the max. My advice is to use a small captain.

By Anodoria

I think it's a good adventure but I fail EVERY TIME because I get stuck inside of a wall.

By Paco97

great job i love it thx for doing this for me

By LostGenus

If you don't like something about this mission, tell me and I'll fix it for the next version that I do (there are bound to be problems I didn't encounter).

By LostGenus

Sorry if you get stuck in any walls, I have no practical ideas on how I could fix that.


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