Not rated

By Ursidae
08/24/2009 - 09:41:40

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Tags: carnivore, crescent moon, crescenti, egg, hatchery, hatchling, king_dct, parani'il, planet, predator, ursidae


Crescenti are a solitary predator found prowling the vast ranges of Parani'il. They are named for the strange cartilaginous appendage that slopes across its horn, before rising upwards in a curve. This strange quirk of nature appears to serve no purpose, at least one that has been discovered. With short bursts of speed and an extraordinary jaw power, they have earned their role as top predator with ease. A massive horn protruding off the beasts' skulls quickly gore any prey unlucky enough to get near it. Due to their highly predatory and territory behaviour, Crescenti must be widely distributed to allow the species' survival. It takes such energy to hunt their prey that it is necessary to feed many times their weight every couple of days. The only time any number of Crescenti congregate is during a brief mating season of only four days a year. Even during this period, it is only two or three that will come in contact. These are always females, however, as it is only this contact that males will allow.


DNA points
50 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +3
9 %
66.72 %
7 / 20
7 / 20
4 / 15
2 / 55 / 50 / 5
2 / 52 / 53 / 5
3 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By elmighty

e cul

By walfer

very unique

By dragonkohan

how cool

By alexander526

how to u get bone editor pls comment me my twisted god

By noodlz0797


By Valkayree

Excellent detail, the colors are amazing! Spectacular work! R+

By PIMPshade10000

Sweet creature. great discription too. This is definatly my favorite predator you made!

By Enderhenne

Wow, the pose and details are amazing!

By AnimalordD

Awesome!!!hey how'd yo make the description so long.And I could use some comments. TY :)

By MrEric23

Could you check out a few of my latest and greatest? The Doravax, Ifmox, and Garnian Arrowtounge, and tell me what you think?Normally people just say,"Dude check out my stuff." Not me. I actually meant that.

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