Not rated
By raptorkiller2
08/23/2009 - 01:48:56
Type: Creature
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: alien, bright, colorful, complex, creepy, omnivore, raptorkiller2, wierd
This colorful creature is native to Mermas-2, and is rather insect like. Its exoskeleton is incredibly tough and the thin conector to its legs is its primary weak point. Though muscular it is a good thing the planet's gravity is extremely weak.
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DNA points
DNA points
61 Bones | 2 Feet | 0 Hands |
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +0
Health: +0
12 %
12 %
62.35 %
Sociability 5 / 20 | Aggressiveness 9 / 20 | Abilities 7 / 15 |
3 / 5 | 5 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 4 / 5 | 2 / 5 |
2 / 5 | 0 / 5 | 5 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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By Blurpledance
great details and stunning color nice work
By PrinnyGenocide
Awesome creation.Love the colors.
By SpongB6F1
Ha, that's cool, I love it...but unless he's on a low gravity planet or that head is full of gas, he's got problems... R++
By Azulon
Cool alien, liked the colour and design a lot. R+
By ace14502
Wow very cool creation!!! Excellent work with the head design and the coloring is cool. R+++
By Hilight
R++++! Well done
By Himmelslaub
Add to my wunderschön und farbenfroh Sporecast!R+
By ak827
Awesome! I love the heycorns and the paint on this creature! R+
By Morpse
This is an excellent creature, the detail on the back and the paint job are excellent. R+
By TarsTarkas
This is sweet! Love the colors!
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