Not rated
By raptorkiller2
08/21/2009 - 02:45:07
Type: Creature
Rating: 0.65 (Not rated)
Tags: biped, bite, charge, creatortip, creepy, evil, parkaboy, sneaky, unique, wierd
A brutal predator of Execas its domes sense nearby prey the bright colors inticate its toxicity to other creatures, however it is not toxic to other members of its species, hence cannibilism is common.
Please rate up on Spore.com!
BTW credit to parkaboy's blog, i used his design for ideas :D
DNA points
DNA points
41 Bones | 2 Feet | 0 Hands |
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +4
Health: +4
12 %
12 %
80.95 %
Sociability 5 / 20 | Aggressiveness 9 / 20 | Abilities 5 / 15 |
1 / 5 | 5 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 4 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
4 / 5 | 0 / 5 | 5 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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By 3rdType
Oh my Gosh, this is great! Kudos. Love the primal look of it.
By burrittoking777
great coloration
By Dijio
So awesome! Very great job! I love the legs.
By fatefulxdestiny
Woah, I really like how this one turned out. Don't worry I won't R+, bc of rate decay. But excellent work!@
By imadeu234
Whoa! Funky colors.
By OmegaZero
Love the head, and the texture looks great, s if it's diseased, or toxic or something
By Mudokon117
Nice! R+! Love the color+texture!
By Pasadema
very nice creature. You use parts in the creature creator very well. r+ and buddied, please continue making creatures like these :D
By Herbie659
Brill colours, this is an awesome guy! Brill description!
By rexer95
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