Cephalopoid (Arctic)
Not rated

By Ryuujin
08/18/2009 - 21:51:02

Type: Captain
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: cute, cyborg, mecha, rider, robotic, squid


When you're going to make an alliance, have a look at your new allies planets first. The Iubati might've had the credits and the moves, but their beaches SUCK


DNA points
51 Bones2 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +0
4 %
51.13 %
5 / 20
4 / 20
1 / 15
1 / 54 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By MasterHippo

I get the story now. Whether the Iubati are bad or good, they're pissed at you for what you did in that one adventure. Same with the Cephalopoid in the other adventure. This is gonna be fun if it ever come out.

By DragonMaster042

awesome job, looks awesome for someone who doest have c+c yet, R+

By Ryuujin

Alas I'm fed up with people getting stuck in walls, sinking into floors andnot being ableto pathfind out of a paper bag. i have tonnes of ideas but realising them requires jumping through so many hoops and finding so many workarounds for such simpel featur

By bluesky681

great creature!! R+++++ :-D

By DandLProductions

You need to start creating again i realy like your work

By DandLProductions

You need to start creating again i realy like your work

By FunkyMomma

I added yah as a bud. Add me back if you want:) R+

By MatterStorm

the most random description ever. Bravo

By MisterTurtle

@ SewnBackTogether: You also can't do the same with real politics:s

By MisterTurtle

Tentacles in snow-suits are awesome. The puffy lining around the hat is genius. Can't wait for the next adventure featuring these guys.

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